Tips For Digging Proper Trench Depth For A Garden Sprinkler System

Trench Depth For A Garden Sprinkler System

When installing a sprinkler system in your yard, it is important to dig a trench deep enough for the pipes and sprinkler heads. The depth of the excavation depends on the type of irrigation system installed and the topography of the site.


With a conventional sprinkler system, the trench should be about 20 to 30 cm deep. This allows the pipes to be buried deep enough to prevent damage from foot traffic or lawnmowers. If you install a drip irrigation system, the trench can be shallower, namely 6 to 8 inches deep.


When digging a trench, be aware of existing power lines, such as gas or power lines. Call your local utility company to mark power lines before you start digging.


If the site has a steep incline, the ditch may be deeper in places to ensure good water flow and prevent erosion. Additionally, if you live in a sub-zero area, your pipes should be buried even deeper to prevent frost damage.


In general, the depth of the irrigation channel depends on the particular garden and the type of system installed.Make sure you do thorough research and consult YBY irrigationmanufacturers before beginning installation to ensure an effective and efficient sprinkler system for your garden.